Founded originally in 1984, our original focus was in serving financial institutions in a high growth market supporting migrations, acquisitions, and large scale integration projects. Since our inception, we have successfully completed more than 150+ migrations for institutions moving from one retail core platform to another retail core platform and become an industry leader in providing application integration, deployment and conversion efforts for major financial software vendors. We expanded into the non-financial marketplace in 1995 with a focus on integration services, large scale training, application development, project management, and business continuity planning (BCP). Through the many years of successful engagements, we have acquired a knowledge base of “Best Practice” methodologies and tools, and developed a unique set of “Accelerators” to utilize as the foundation for ensuring on-time and within budget results.
Key milestones are reflected below:
- 1984 – Company founded – Focused on Application Conversions – Financial Services.
- 1994 – Expanded into multiple industries – Additional technology based products/services.
- 1998 – Expanded Internationally with major financial services projects & services.
- 2002 – Increased focus on Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery planning & projects.
- 2010 –Expanded heavily into the construction of enterprise data warehouse repositories and the use of ETL solutions for the client base.
Our professional staff averages over 25 years experience in the areas of financial services, management consulting, and information technology and our our clients include a cross section of both financial institutions and industrial corporations requiring the most professional and experienced products and personnel in the industry.