“Mitigating operational risks and ensuring regulatory compliance”
In the current economy, your company faces increased regulatory scrutiny and pressure from shareholders to ensure that the organization is not exposed to excessive risks. These can include the detrimental impact to a company’s recovery capabilities following a natural disaster or cyber attack, or the potential financial penalties imposed due to the failure to maintain systems with appropriate internal controls. With the introduction of even more legislation and regulatory compliance standards, the Federal Financial Institute Examination Council (FFIEC), the recent Dodd-Frank Act and the forthcoming Basel-III Accord, greater emphasis is being placed on implementing an effective compliance and risk management program.
has leveraged its extensive experience in the implementation of risk mitigation systems to develop a series of compliance and risk management services which addresses each of these critical needs:
These comprehensive services include:
- Business Continuity Management – Ensures Business and IT recovery following a major business or operating disruption.
- Information Assurance Services – Protects physical and intellectual capital from both internal & external assault and/or compromise.
- Information Technology Audit Services – Executes IT internal audits, encompassing applications, networks, and databases.
Through this integrated suite of services, helps you protect your vital assets while maximizing your opportunities for continued operations and growth.