“Ensures Business and IT recovery following a major business or operating disruption”
As a result of disasters such as 9/11 and Katrina, institutions quickly realized that their ability to seamlessly continue their operations involved more than simply having a document that details server configurations and employee contact numbers.
believes that to be fully affective, a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) must be comprehensive, enterprise-wide and current in terms of both recovery processes and procedures; be easily understood and executable, not only in a test environment, but also in reality, and, finally; it must follow the best practices as set forth by organizations such as the Federal Financial Institute Examination Council (FFIEC), Disaster Recovery Institute International (DRII) and the British Standard 25999.
Approach – Utilizing a selected set of “Accelerators” our certified BCP Consultants will perform the following business continuity planning services:
- BCP Compliance Review – Accelerated review program to conduct a “GAP” analysis between current capabilities and regulatory guidelines for true recoverability and compliance.
- BCP Current Plan Update – Assessment of the currency of the Client’s current plans followed by a tailored update program using the RPX software platform.
- BCP New Plan Creation – Utilization of our 5 step process to create a tailored Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plan and strategy using the RPX Software.
- BCP Testing & Certification – Determination of the appropriate level and mix of testing requirements, creation of individual test plans, performance of all tests, and certification of final results.
Outsource UTILITY Services – Following the completion of the recommended BCM service, will utilize its “Compliance Alliance” to provide a single-source solution and transform all BCM activities into an outsourced utility type service through our on-going “UTILITY BCM” support program. This provides for the on-going updating, maintenance, and testing of these plans though a single monthly subscription fee.
For more information on this comprehensive suite of outsourcing services, please visit our Service Brochures page for a list of detailed Offerings Briefs on each of these individual solutions to your Business Continuity Management needs.