“Executes IT internal audits, encompassing applications, networks, & databases”
Information Technology plays a very crucial role in the operations of an organization. Almost all financial reporting processes in an organization are driven by IT systems. As a result of their tight linkage to the overall financial reporting process, internal controls over relevant IT systems need to be assessed for their compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX). Other regulations such as FDA, GLBA and HIPAA also require assessment of internal controls of relevant information systems.
believes that organizations should regularly test the internal controls within their IT organization to ensure secure and continuous operation of their entire information systems in order to identify and mitigate risks with financial reporting. To streamline these audits, we have adopted the standard framework outlined in the Control Objectives for Information and Technology (COBIT) as developed by the IT Governance Institute. When implemented, it not only reduces IT related risks in financial reporting, but also forms the basis for good IT Governance throughout the enterprise.
Approach – By adopting COBIT’s framework, which includes 34 naturally grouped IT Control Objectives, it becomes the foundation for our comprehensive IT audit. These control objectives are segmented into the following four broad domains:
- Plan and Organize
- Acquire and Implement
- Deliver and Support
- Monitor and Evaluate
Our streamlined approach to auditing encompasses the full spectrum of infrastructure audits including software applications, operating systems, networks, architecture, and/or any specialized operational requirements. Leveraging our experience in all phases of technology, we help clients evaluate how well their IT environment is safeguarding assets, maintaining data integrity, and operating efficiently and effectively.